Published On:November 7 2014
Story Viewed 6835 Times
NWC completes construction of biggest water plant in Riyadh.
Saudi Arabia's National water Company (NWC) has completed the largest station in Riyadh's new tri-generated sewage system, and has begun operational tests. Partial service will begin in late November, following the successful completion of trial operations.
The project is the sixth station delivered in the new Riyadh sewage system. Built at a cost of USD 106.61 million, the new system will be able to process 400,000 cubic meters of sewage water each day in normal periods, rising to 640,000 cubic meters at peak periods.
NWC previously completed the first phase of pipe-laying, with a 25 kilometer network that can deliver up to 150,000 cubic meters of sewage water to the station each day. It is currently working on phase two which includes laying a further 38 kilometers of pipework at a cost of USD 186.6 million.